Authors: [man4ela | catapulta.eth]
System Requirements
The X Layer archive node has a size of 560GB on November 18th, 2024
Setup XLayer Node
X Layer is an EVM-compatible Layer 2 network built with Polygon CDK, using Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology to enhance Ethereum’s scalability, security, and efficiency
This guide covers the installation of X Layer Node (referred to as ZKNode), Synchronizer, ZKProver, and configuration of the State and Pool databases
NOTE: You will need Ethereum L1 RPC endpoint in order to sync X Layer
With their Eggfruit upgrade in September 2024, the Polygon team made the official recommendation that all infra providers will need to begin running the cdk-erigon RPC Node. While zkEVm Node is still operational, it is no longer being maintained by the Polygon team.
Additionally, we found slight POI divergence in our integration testing. Please use the test below as an initial screening when working with this chain.
Indexer Test for X Layer POISync the following subgraph: QmWHYMV9mPZ6zoomwWSZbN24sdGSEQhy1efritMiETpxqS
Query to grab the normalized POI
Note: Do not modify the query below - the indexer address in the query should be the 0x0 address.
Copy {
"query" : "{ proofOfIndexing(subgraph: \\" QmWHYMV9mPZ6zoomwWSZbN24sdGSEQhy1efritMiETpxqS \\ ", blockNumber: 3041190, blockHash: \\" 0xa819924ad94bcf3295826d5ad916c9ef06fac8cb46a6273d3bcc7aec822e22e7 \\ ", indexer: \\" 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \\ ") }"
If there is a match for the Consensus POI provided below, it may indicate that the setup allows for syncing other subgraphs and being in majority consensus. If there is a match for the Divergent POI, this can be an indication of a data determinism issue.
Consensus 0xa1223b5cbabf16d9896c2bd19099d08e5ce45c7ff308674b3ea7ada5367334bf
Divergent 0x411bf0293e96a1459167ef1828aa7d70cd6c2e1f8c4210e0edf0fa8827eeed69
Shell into the index node and run this curl command
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
--data '{"query": "{ proofOfIndexing(subgraph: "QmWHYMV9mPZ6zoomwWSZbN24sdGSEQhy1efritMiETpxqS", blockNumber: 3041190, blockHash: "0xa819924ad94bcf3295826d5ad916c9ef06fac8cb46a6273d3bcc7aec822e22e7", indexer: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000") }"}'
Copy sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
sudo apt install build-essential libbenchmark-dev libomp-dev libgmp-dev nlohmann-json3-dev postgresql libpqxx-dev libpqxx-doc nasm libsecp256k1-dev grpc-proto libsodium-dev libprotobuf-dev libssl-dev cmake libgrpc++-dev protobuf-compiler protobuf-compiler-grpc uuid-dev
Important dependency note: You must install libpqxx version 6.4.5. If your distribution installs a newer version, please compile libpqxx 6.4.5 and install it manually instead
Use dpkg
to check the Installed version of libpqxx:
Copy dpkg -l | grep libpqxx
Setting up Firewall
Set explicit default UFW rules
Copy sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
Allow SSH
Copy sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
Allow remote RPC connections with Blast Node
Copy sudo ufw allow from ${REMOTE.HOST.IP} to any port 8545
sudo ufw allow 5432/tcp
Not advised to allow all or unknown IP address to RPC port
Enable Firewall
To check the status of UFW and see the current rules
Copy sudo ufw status verbose
Install GO
Go version 1.21+ is required to build ZKnode
Copy sudo wget && \
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
rm go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:/root/.local/bin' >> /root/.bashrc
source /root/.bashrc
#verify Go installation
go version
Build ZKnode
Copy mkdir && cd zknode
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd xlayer-node
make build
Move the xlayer-node
binary from the build directory to the designated directory for execution:
Copy mkdir -p /root/zknode/{node,prover}
mv /root/zknode/xlayer-node/dist/xlayer-node /root/zknode/node/
Download ZKnode
configuration and genesis.json file:
Copy mkdir -p /root/zknode/node/config
wget -O /root/zknode/node/config/node.config.toml
wget -O /root/zknode/node/config/genesis.config.json
Carefully change the following parameters inside configuration file:
Copy sudo nano /root/zknode/node/config/node.config.toml
Host = "xlayer-mainnet-state-db"
#specify Host = ""
Host = "xlayer-mainnet-pool-db"
#specify Host = ""
URL = ""
#input your synced L1 Ethereum RPC endpoint
SyncInterval = "1s"
SyncChunkSize = 100
#add a line L1SynchronizationMode = "sequential"
URI = "xlayer-mainnet-prover:50061"
#specify URI = ""
URI = "xlayer-mainnet-prover:50071"
#specify URI = ""
Host = ""
#specify Host = ""
Host = "xlayer-mainnet-state-db"
#specify Host = ""
Copy ctrl X + Y and enter #to save changes
Compile and build ZKProver
Copy cd /root/zknode/
git clone --recursive
cd zkevm-prover
Download necessary files
Download an archive (~75GB) . It's a good idea to have it running in the screen
Copy ./tools/
The archive will take up an additional 115GB of space once extracted.
Consider to recompile the protobufs
Copy cd src/grpc
cd ../..
Run make
to compile the main project:
Copy make clean
make generate
make -j
The compilation process may appear to be stuck at some point, but sit back, relax, and wait till it completes the building
Test Vectors
Copy ./build/zkProver -c testvectors/config_runFile_BatchProof.json
Download configuration files:
Copy wget -P /root/zknode/prover
Modify prover.config.json
Copy sudo nano /root/zknode/prover/prover.config.json
Copy "databaseURL" : "postgresql://prover_user:prover_pass@xlayer-mainnet-state-db:5432/prover_db" ,
Copy "databaseURL" : "postgresql://prover_user:prover_pass@" ,
Create systemd files for the ZKEVM Node components
Copy sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/xlayer-rpc.service
Paste the configs and save by entering ctrl+X
Copy [Unit]
Description = XLayer RPC Service
After =
StartLimitIntervalSec = 60
StartLimitBurst = 3
Type = simple
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 5
TimeoutSec = 900
User = root
Nice = 0
LimitNOFILE = 200000
WorkingDirectory = /root/zknode/node/
ExecStart = /root/zknode/node/xlayer-node run \
--network custom \
--custom-network-file /root/zknode/node/config/genesis.config.json \
--cfg /root/zknode/node/config/node.config.toml \
--components rpc
KillSignal = SIGTERM
WantedBy =
Copy sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/xlayer-sync.service
Copy [Unit]
Description = XLayer Sync Service
After =
StartLimitIntervalSec = 60
StartLimitBurst = 3
Type = simple
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 5
TimeoutSec = 900
User = root
Nice = 0
LimitNOFILE = 200000
WorkingDirectory = /root/zknode/node/
ExecStart = /root/zknode/node/xlayer-node run \
--network custom \
--custom-network-file /root/zknode/node/config/genesis.config.json \
--cfg /root/zknode/node/config/node.config.toml \
--components synchronizer
KillSignal = SIGTERM
WantedBy =
and ZKProver:
Copy sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/xlayer-prover.service
Copy [Unit]
Description = XLayer Prover Service
After =
StartLimitIntervalSec = 60
StartLimitBurst = 3
Type = simple
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 5
TimeoutSec = 900
User = root
Nice = 0
LimitNOFILE = 200000
WorkingDirectory = /root/zknode/zkevm-prover/
ExecStart = /root/zknode/zkevm-prover/build/zkProver -c /root/zknode/prover/prover.config.json
KillSignal = SIGTERM
WantedBy =
Configure Postgresql for ZKProver
Make sure to be inside /root/zknode/zkevm-prover/
Copy ./tools/statedb/ prover_db prover_user prover_pass
Example of expected output
Copy ProverDB database creation
Installing PostgreSQL...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
postgresql is already the newest version (14+238).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Creating database prover_db...
could not change directory to "/root/zknode/zkevm-prover" : Permission denied
Creating user prover_user...
could not change directory to "/root/zknode/zkevm-prover" : Permission denied
could not change directory to "/root/zknode/zkevm-prover" : Permission denied
Creating table state.merkletree...
Example of connection string to use in the config.json file:
"databaseURL" : "postgresql://prover_user:prover_pass@"
Depending on your Postgresql version (14 or 15) update postgresql.conf
Copy sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
Set max_connections = 500
Save, Quit and reload postgresql to apply changes by running:
Copy sudo systemctl restart postgresql
Launch X Layer node:
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start xlayer-prover
sudo systemctl start xlayer-rpc.service
sudo systemctl start xlayer-sync.service
Monitor logs
Copy sudo journalctl -fu xlayer-prover -n 250
sudo journalctl -fu xlayer-rpc.service -n 250
sudo journalctl -fu xlayer-sync.service -n 250
During the synchonization, you are expected to get following log messages:
Copy Nov 19 06:19:24 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:24.558Z INFO state/l2block.go: 280 new l2 block detected: number 43801 , hash 0x697fcd84070802e874a83723d16a760fcf544bab23b9c2c3c1e8047b485b1c47 { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:19:24 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:24.559Z INFO state/l2block.go: 280 new l2 block detected: number 43802 , hash 0x3fc86022298cdeafd950a55dba81bc30ac06d52c73c43298180839374f68964f { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:19:24 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:24.559Z INFO state/l2block.go: 280 new l2 block detected: number 43803 , hash 0xcec7e916fb50f140a3573e491df07369b309cbcc5120577bc366765b5dd4b039 { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:19:24 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:24.586Z INFO jsonrpc/dynamic_gas_price_xlayer.go: 84 Dynamic gas price update period is 10s { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:34.585Z WARN pool/pool.go: 647 No suggested min gas price since: 2024-11-19 06:14:34.585576643 + 0000 UTC { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]:*Pool).pollMinSuggestedGasPrice
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: /root/zknode/xlayer-node/pool/pool.go: 647
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]:*Pool). StartPollingMinSuggestedGasPrice.func1
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: /root/zknode/xlayer-node/pool/pool.go: 181
Nov 19 06:19:34 xlayer-node[ 3963121 ]: 2024-11-19T06:19:34.587Z INFO jsonrpc/dynamic_gas_price_xlayer.go: 84 Dynamic gas price update period is 10s { "pid" : 3963121 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Copy Nov 19 05:11:49 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051149_849293 aa38631 4252c40 --> BINARY_EXECUTOR starting...
Nov 19 05:11:49 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051149_849299 aa38631 4252c40 --> BINARY_BUILD_FACTORS starting...
Nov 19 05:11:50 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051150_983649 aa38631 4252c40 <-- BINARY_BUILD_FACTORS done: 1 . 134332 s
Nov 19 05:11:50 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051150_983665 aa38631 4252c40 --> BINARY_BUILD_RESET starting...
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_169003 aa38631 4252c40 <-- BINARY_BUILD_RESET done: 0 . 185324 s
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_169019 aa38631 4252c40 <-- BINARY_EXECUTOR done: 1 . 319726 s
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_169102 aa38631 4252c40 <-- PROVER_CONSTRUCTOR done: 6 . 762991 s
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_169105 aa38631 4252c40 Launching HashDB server thread...
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_169150 aa38631 4252c40 Launching executor server thread...
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_170116 aa38631 37fe640 Executor server listening on 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 : 50071
Nov 19 05:11:51 zkProver[ 3961854 ]: 20241119_051151_170129 aa38631 3fff640 HashDB server listening on 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 : 50061
Copy Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.713Z INFO synchronizer/synchronizer.go: 701 Position: 8 . New block. BlockNumber: 19549461 . BlockHash: 0xfc7aeddc5a22c867253bde2c2dcb54ba3fc971b2d0ff60564944747db27608b8 { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.713Z INFO synchronizer/synchronizer.go: 627 Syncing block 19549461 of 21219852 { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.713Z INFO synchronizer/synchronizer.go: 628 Getting rollup info from block 19549461 to block 19549562 { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.735Z INFO etherman/etherman_xlayer.go: 1239 tx hash: 0x95b701bc4bad615ce9790bac36273f56f5b5a0404dd4384dcb7cabd60ad72496 , msg form: 0xAF9d27ffe4d51eD54AC8eEc78f2785D7E11E5ab1 , to: 0x2B0ee28D4D51bC9aDde5E58E295873F61F4a0507 { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.883Z INFO etherman/etherman_xlayer.go: 1239 tx hash: 0x40d7c22c8f0c9087778c392e9d41f31b058dfa355f55579153d45bc03e53f9b5 , msg form: 0xAF9d27ffe4d51eD54AC8eEc78f2785D7E11E5ab1 , to: 0x2B0ee28D4D51bC9aDde5E58E295873F61F4a0507 { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Nov 19 06:13:10 xlayer-node[ 3963058 ]: 2024-11-19T06:13:10.885Z INFO dataavailability/dataavailability.go: 73 Try to get data from trusted sequencer for batches [ 14 ] { "pid" : 3963058 , "version" : "v0.4.1-2-g837ab57e" }
Run curl
command in the terminal to check the status of your node
Copy curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}' http://localhost:8545
When it returns false
then your node is fully synchronized with the network