💻 BaremetalAuthors: [payne | stakesquid]
System Requirements
The Base archive node reached a size of 804GB by May 2, 2024
Base 🔵
Base is a secure, low-cost Ethereum L2 built on Optimism’s open-source OP Stack . In this guide, Optimism's op-erigon
and op-node
binaries are built from source to facilitate the node's installation. This method has proved to sync an archive node successfully in ~48 hours using the official snapshot provided by the Base team.
Before you start, make sure that you have your own synced Ethereum L1 RPC URL (e.g. Erigon) and L1 Consensus Layer Beacon endpoint (e.g. Lighthouse) ready.
Copy sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
sudo apt install -y git make wget gcc pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev jq gcc g++ curl libssl-dev screen apache2-utils build-essential pkg-config
Setting up Firewall
Set explicit default UFW rules
Copy sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
Allow SSH
Copy sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
Allow remote RPC connections with Base Node
Copy sudo ufw allow from ${REMOTE.HOST.IP} to any port 8545
Not advised to allow all or unknown IP address to RPC port
Enable Firewall
Download a snapshot
Snapshots URL: https://snapshot.testinprod.io/
Create a directory and start downloading an archive in screen session as it takes ~9 hours
Copy mkdir base && cd base
screen -S archive
aria2c --file-allocation=none -c -x 10 -s 10 "https://datadirs.testinprod.io/base-mainnet-db-14631082.zst"
Copy #to return to previous screen and continue installation press
Compile Op-node
Required Software Dependencies
Dependency Version Version Check Command
Install go
Copy sudo wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz && sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.21.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Install nvm
Copy wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
Download foundry
Copy curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
Install foundry
Copy foundryup
source /root/.bashrc
Install node and yarn
Copy nvm install 16 && npm install --global yarn && nvm use 16 && npm -g install pnpm
source /root/.bashrc
Check if go and all dependancies are installed
Copy go version
nvm -v
npm -v
yarn -v
pnpm -v
Create directories
Copy mkdir -p /root/github
mkdir -p /root/data/base/op-node
mkdir -p /root/data/base/op-erigon
Build op-node
Copy cd /root/github/
git clone https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism.git
cd optimism
git checkout v1.7.0
nvm install && npm install --global yarn && nvm use node && npm -g install pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm build
make op-node
#The binary is built at /root/github/optimism/op-node/bin/op-node
Create systemd service
You'll need your own synced Ethereum L1 RPC URL (e.g. Erigon) and L1 Consensus Layer Beacon endpoint (e.g. Lighthouse) in order to run Base
Copy echo "[Unit]
Description=Base OP Node Service
ExecStart=/root/data/optimism/op-node/bin/op-node \
--l1=http://<your_l1_eth_node>:9656 \
--l1.beacon=http://<your_l1_eth_beacon>:5052 \
--l1.trustrpc=true \
--l1.rpckind=erigon \
--l2= \
--l2.jwt-secret=/root/data/base/erigon/jwt.hex \
--rpc.addr= \
--rpc.port=9546 \
--rollup.config=/root/data/base/erigon/rollup.json \
--metrics.enabled \
--metrics.addr= \
--metrics.port=7301 \
--network=base-mainnet \
--p2p.listen.tcp=9923 \
--p2p.listen.udp=9923 \
--p2p.bootnodes=enr:-J24QNz9lbrKbN4iSmmjtnr7SjUMk4zB7f1krHZcTZx-JRKZd0kA2gjufUROD6T3sOWDVDnFJRvqBBo62zuF-hYCohOGAYiOoEyEgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPniryHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKNVFlCxh_B-716tTs-h1vMzZkSs1FTu_OYTNjgufplG4N0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QH-f1wt99sfpHy4c0QJM-NfmsIfmlLAMMcgZCUEgKG_BBYFc6FwYgaMJMQN5dsRBJApIok0jFn-9CS842lGpLmqGAYiOoDRAgmlkgnY0gmlwhLhIgb2Hb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJ9FTIv8B9myn1MWaC_2lJ-sMoeCDkusCsk4BYHjjCq04N0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QDXyyxvQYsd0yfsN0cRr1lZ1N11zGTplMNlW4xNEc7LkPXh0NAJ9iSOVdRO95GPYAIc6xmyoCCG6_0JxdL3a0zaGAYiOoAjFgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPckbGHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJwoS7tzwxqXSyFL7g0JM-KWVbgvjfB8JA__T7yY_cYboN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QHmGyBwUZXIcsGYMaUqGGSl4CFdx9Tozu-vQCn5bHIQbR7On7dZbU61vYvfrJr30t0iahSqhc64J46MnUO2JvQaGAYiOoCKKgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPnCzSHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQINc4fSijfbNIiGhcgvwjsjxVFJHUstK9L1T8OTKUjgloN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QG3ypT4xSu0gjb5PABCmVxZqBjVw9ca7pvsI8jl4KATYAnxBmfkaIuEqy9sKvDHKuNCsy57WwK9wTt2aQgcaDDyGAYiOoGAXgmlkgnY0gmlwhDbGmZaHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQIeAK_--tcLEiu7HvoUlbV52MspE0uCocsx1f_rYvRenIN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG \
--verifier.l1-confs=4 \
WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/op-node.service
Copy sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/op-node.service #make changes in op-node service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload #refresh systemd configuration when changes made
sudo systemctl start op-node.service #start op-node
sudo systemctl enable op-node.service #enable op-node service at system startup
sudo journalctl -fu op-node.service #follow logs of op-node service
Compile Erigon
Copy cd /root/github/
git clone https://github.com/testinprod-io/op-erigon
cd op-erigon
git checkout v2.60.0-0.6.1
Create JWT secret file and download genesis and rollup .json files
Copy cd /root/data/base/erigon
openssl rand -hex 32 > /root/data/base/erigon/jwt.txt
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/base-org/node/main/mainnet/genesis-l2.json
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/base-org/node/main/mainnet/rollup.json
Create systemd service
Copy sudo echo "[Unit]
Description=Erigon Base Service
ExecStart=/root/data/github/op-erigon/build/bin/erigon \
--datadir=/root/data/base/erigon/datadir \
--ethash.dagdir=/root/data/base/erigon/datadir/ethash \
--authrpc.jwtsecret=/root/data/base/erigon/jwt.hex \
--authrpc.port=8552 \
--http \
--http.addr= \
--http.port=9660 \
--http.compression \
--http.vhosts=* \
--http.corsdomain=* \
--http.api=eth,debug,net,trace,web3,erigon \
--private.api.addr= \
--ws --ws.compression \
--metrics --metrics.addr= --metrics.port=9700 \
--torrent.download.rate 80mb \
--torrent.port=42070 \
--rpc.returndata.limit=1000000 \
--txpool.gossip.disable=true \
--chain=base-mainnet \
--db.size.limit=8TB \
--nodiscover \
--p2p.allowed-ports=30303,30304,30305,30306,30307,30308,30309,30310 \
--rollup.sequencerhttp=" https://mainnet-sequencer.base.org "
WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/op-erigon.service
Sync using downloaded Snapshot
Copy screen –r archive
ls #to see the name of downloaded archive
zstd --decompress base-mainnet-db-14631082.zst -o mdbx.dat
#Unzipping takes ~3-4 hrs so you can go touch some grass
Consider switching screen by pressingctrl A+D
to allow a process run in the background
Copy mv mdbx.dat /root/data/erigon/datadir/chaindata/
Start op-erigon
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload #refresh systemd configuration when changes made
sudo systemctl start op-erigon.service #start op-erigon
sudo systemctl enable op-erigon.service #enable op-erigon service at system startup
sudo journalctl -fu op-erigon.service #follow logs of op-erigon service
To check or modify op-erigon.service
parameters simply run
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/op-erigon.service
Ctrl+X and Y to save changes
Last updated 5 months ago