
Authors: [man4ela | catapulta.eth]

System Requirements


4 vCPU

Debian 12/Ubuntu 22.04

8GB min

16GB Recommended

2.5TB+ (SSD)

The Fuse archival node has a size of 2.5TB on Septmber 3rd, 2024


sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y

sudo apt install -y git make wget gcc pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev jq gcc g++ curl libssl-dev screen apache2-utils build-essential pkg-config unzip

Setting up Firewall

Set explicit default UFW rules

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing

Allow SSH

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp

Allow remote RPC connections with Fuse node

sudo ufw allow from ${REMOTE.HOST.IP} to any port 8545 8546

Not advised to allow all or unknown IP address to RPC port

Allow P2P Connections

sudo ufw allow 30303/tcp
sudo ufw allow 30303/udp

Enable Firewall

sudo ufw enable

To check the status of UFW and see the current rules

sudo ufw status verbose

Building a Node on Fuse with Nethermind client

Since 08.2022 Fuse is moving from OE client to Nethermind. To bootstrap Fuse archive node this guide covers the steps on how to build Nethermind from source and configure it to run for Fuse Network

Install .NET SDK

wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/20.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0

Download the Latest Nethermind Release Binary

wget "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/NethermindEth/nethermind/releases/latest \
        | grep "browser_download_url" \
        | grep "linux-x64.zip" \
        | cut -d '"' -f 4)" -O nethermind-latest-linux-x64.zip

Use unzip to extract downloaded archive

unzip nethermind-latest-linux-x64.zip

Configuing Nethermind client

Increase the maximum number of open files

sudo bash -c 'echo "nethermind soft nofile 100000" > /etc/security/limits.d/nethermind.conf' 
sudo bash -c 'echo "nethermind hard nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.d/nethermind.conf'

Create chainspec file for Fuse

mkdir -p /root/fuse-archive/chainspec

nano /root/fuse-archive/chainspec/fuse.json

Copy/Paste the following contents into the file:

  "name": "FuseNetwork",
  "engine": {
    "authorityRound": {
      "params": {
        "stepDuration": "5",
        "blockReward": "0x0",
        "blockRewardContractAddress": "0x63D4efeD2e3dA070247bea3073BCaB896dFF6C9B",
        "blockRewardContractTransition": 100,
        "validators": {
          "multi": {
            "0": {
              "list": ["0xd9176e84898a0054680aec3f7c056b200c3d96c3"]
            "100": {
              "safeContract": "0x3014ca10b91cb3D0AD85fEf7A3Cb95BCAc9c0f79"
  "params": {
    "gasLimitBoundDivisor": "0x400",
    "maximumExtraDataSize": "0x20",
    "minGasLimit": "0x1388",
    "networkID": "0x07a",
    "eip155Transition": 0,
    "validateChainIdTransition": 0,
    "eip140Transition": 0,
    "eip211Transition": 0,
    "eip214Transition": 0,
    "eip658Transition": 0,
    "eip150Transition": "0x0",
    "eip160Transition": "0x0",
    "eip161abcTransition": "0x0",
    "eip161dTransition": "0x0",
    "eip98Transition": "0x7fffffffffffff",
    "eip145Transition": "0x38ada7",
    "eip1014Transition": "0x38ada7",
    "eip1052Transition": "0x38ada7",
    "eip1283Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip1344Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip1706Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip1884Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip2028Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip2929Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip2930Transition": "0xd29240",
    "eip1559Transition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip2565Transition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip3198Transition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip3529Transition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip3541Transition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip1559BaseFeeMinValueTransition": "0x1D653E8",
    "eip3651TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip3855TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip3860TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip1153TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip5656TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip6780TransitionTimestamp": "0x66A78440",
    "eip1559BaseFeeMaxChangeDenominator": "0x8",
    "eip1559ElasticityMultiplier": "0x2",
    "eip1559BaseFeeInitialValue": "0x3b9aca00",
    "eip1559BaseFeeMinValue": "0x2540be400",
    "maxCodeSize": 24576,
    "maxCodeSizeTransition": "0x0"
  "genesis": {
    "seal": {
      "authorityRound": {
        "step": "0x0",
        "signature": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "difficulty": "0x20000",
    "baseFeePerGas": "0x2540BE400",
    "gasLimit": "0x989680"
  "nodes": [
  "accounts": {
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": {
      "balance": "1",
      "builtin": {
        "name": "ecrecover",
        "pricing": {
          "linear": {
            "base": 3000,
            "word": 0
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": {
      "balance": "1",
      "builtin": {
        "name": "sha256",
        "pricing": {
          "linear": {
            "base": 60,
            "word": 12
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": {
      "balance": "1",
      "builtin": {
        "name": "ripemd160",
        "pricing": {
          "linear": {
            "base": 600,
            "word": 120
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004": {
      "balance": "1",
      "builtin": {
        "name": "identity",
        "pricing": {
          "linear": {
            "base": 15,
            "word": 3
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000005": {
      "builtin": {
        "name": "modexp",
        "pricing": {
          "0": {
            "price": {
              "modexp": {
                "divisor": 20
          "0xd29240": {
            "info": "EIP-2565: ModExp Gas Cost.",
            "price": {
              "modexp2565": {}
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000006": {
      "builtin": {
        "name": "alt_bn128_add",
        "pricing": {
          "0": {
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_const_operations": {
                "price": 500
          "0xd29240": {
            "info": "EIP-1108 Istanbul HF",
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_const_operations": {
                "price": 150
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000007": {
      "builtin": {
        "name": "alt_bn128_mul",
        "pricing": {
          "0": {
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_const_operations": {
                "price": 4000
          "0xd29240": {
            "info": "EIP-1108 Istanbul HF",
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_const_operations": {
                "price": 6000
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000008": {
      "builtin": {
        "name": "alt_bn128_pairing",
        "pricing": {
          "0": {
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_pairing": {
                "base": 100000,
                "pair": 80000
          "0xd29240": {
            "info": "EIP-1108 Istanbul HF",
            "price": {
              "alt_bn128_pairing": {
                "base": 45000,
                "pair": 34000
    "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000009": {
      "builtin": {
        "name": "blake2_f",
        "pricing": {
          "0xd29240": {
            "info": "EIP-152 Istanbul HF",
            "price": {
              "blake2_f": {
                "gas_per_round": 1
    "0xd9176e84898a0054680aec3f7c056b200c3d96c3": {
      "balance": "300000000000000000000000000"

Ctrl + X and Y to exit and confirm saving changes to a file

Create an empty config file for Fuse

mkdir -p /root/fuse-archive/config

nano /root/fuse-archive/config/empty.cfg

Copy/Paste the following contents into the file:


Create Data Directory to store chain data for Fuse blockchain

mkdir /root/fuse-archive/fuse_data

Configure systemd Service

Ensure that you grant execute permission to the binary file:

sudo chmod +x /root/fuse-archive/Nethermind.Runner

Create a systemd service file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nethermind.service

Add the following content:

Description=Nethermind Node

ExecStart=/root/fuse-archive/Nethermind.Runner \
        --datadir=/root/fuse-archive/fuse-data/datadir/ \
        --config=/root/fuse-archive/config/empty.cfg \
        --Init.DiscoveryEnabled=true \
        --Init.WebSocketsEnabled=true \
        --Init.StoreReceipts=true \
        --Init.ChainSpecPath=/root/fuse-archive/chainspec/fuse.json \
        --Init.BaseDbPath=/root/fuse-archive/fuse-data/basedir \
        --Init.GenesisHash=0x6e778e9491576a28bd06fac93844d8494be1f153e60ba7d29b4b51d991d4f830 \
        --Network.DiscoveryPort=30303 \
        --Network.P2PPort=30303 \
        --Network.LocalIp= \
        --Network.ExternalIp= \
        --JsonRpc.Enabled=true \
        --JsonRpc.Timeout=20000 \
        --JsonRpc.Host= \
        --JsonRpc.Port=9656 \
        --JsonRpc.WebSocketsPort=9756 \
        --JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=/root/fuse-archive/jwt.hex \
        --Receipt.TxLookupLimit=0 \
        --Metrics.NodeName=fuse_archive \
        --Bloom.IndexLevelBucketSizes="[ 16, 16, 16, 16 ]" \
        --Pruning.Mode=none \
        --Mining.MinGasPrice=1000000000 \
        --Merge.Enabled=false \
        --TraceStore.Enabled=true \
        --TraceStore.BlocksToKeep=0 \
        --TraceStore.TraceTypes=Trace,Rewards \

Ctrl + X and Y to exit and confirm saving changes to a file

Reload systemd and Enable the Service

systemctl enable nethermind #enable nethermind service at system startup

sudo systemctl daemon-reload #refresh systemd configuration when changes made

sudo systemctl start nethermind #start nethermind

sudo systemctl stop nethermind #stop nethermind

To check or modify nethermind.service parameters simply run

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nethermind.service

Ctrl+X and Y to save changes

View Logs for Debugging

journalctl -f -u nethermind  #follow logs of nethermind service

The logs should look like below and indicate that your node syncs and is expected to reach a chainhead in ~2-3 days

28 Jun 01:13:08 | Finalizing validators for transition signalled within contract at block 473632 after block 473633 (0xba9913...ff8838).

28 Jun 01:13:08 | Applying validator set change before block 473634 (0xae6e4c...881217).

28 Jun 01:13:08 | Downloaded 473,680 / 30,284,955 ( 1.56 %) | current 102 Blk/s | total 156 Blk/s

28 Jun 01:13:09 | Processed 473428... 473681 | 193.72 ms | slot 2,151 ms |⛽ Gas gwei: 0.00 .. 0.00 (0.00) .. 0.00

28 Jun 01:13:09 | - Blocks 254 0.14 MGas | 6 txs | calls 1,835 ( 0) | sload 4,835 | sstore 735 | create 0

28 Jun 01:13:09 | - Block throughput 0.74 MGas/s | 30.97 t/s | 1311.17 Blk/s | recover 0 | process 7

28 Jun 01:13:09 | Signal for transition within contract at block 473732 (0x89197a...464a90). New list of 2 : [0xc736793ff31e04807cbf20b39d50ac7a04a4bdad, 0xd9176e84898a0054680aec3f7c056b200c3d96c3].


Last updated