Lab 1: Sync a Gnosis blockchain node

In this lab, you will apply your knowledge of Linux and Ethereum clients to set up a local development environment for Ethereum. You will learn how to install and configure the Nethermind client, connect to the Gnosis network, and interact with the Gnosis blockchain. By the end of this lab, you will have a functional Gnosis node running on your machine and will be ready to start exploring The Graph ecosystem.

This lab exercise assumes you are configuring a Hetzner AX102 dedicated root server for your Gnosis blockchain node.

Configure the server

Put your Hetzner AX102 server into RescueMode

  1. Log in to your Hetzner account and go to the "Server" tab.

  2. Select the server you want to put into RescueMode.

  3. Click on the "Rescue" tab in the server details.

  4. Choose the Rescue system you want to use and click on "Activate".

  5. Wait for the system to activate, which may take a few minutes.

  6. Once the Rescue system is active, you can log in using the provided login credentials.

Install the Ubuntu 22.04 Linux distribution with the installimage script

  1. Use the password displayed on Hetzner Robot to log into the Rescue System as "root".

  2. Run the installimage script by typing the following command

    installimage -n GnosisNode -r yes -i images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz -d sda -p /boot:ext3:1024M,lvm:vg0:all -v vg0:root:/:ext4:all

    Overall, this command will perform an installation of Ubuntu 22.04 on the "sda" device using the specified partition and logical volume layout, with the hostname set to "GnosisNode" and the server rebooting automatically after the installation is complete.

    1. installimage - This is the command to execute the installimage script.

    2. -n GnosisNode - This sets the hostname for the server to "GnosisNode".

    3. -r yes - This specifies that the server should automatically reboot after the installation process is complete.

    4. -i images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz - This specifies the path to the base installation image for Ubuntu 22.04. In this case, the file is located in the "images" directory and is named "Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz".

    5. -d sda - This specifies the device that will be used for the installation. In this case, the installation will be performed on the "sda" device.

    6. -p /boot:ext3:1024M,lvm:vg0:all - This specifies the partition layout for the installation. In this case, there will be two partitions created: one for the "/boot" directory, which will be formatted with the ext3 file system and will have a size of 1024MB, and one for LVM, which will contain all remaining space on the disk and will be used for logical volume management.

    7. -v vg0:root:/:ext4:all - This specifies the logical volume layout for the installation. In this case, one logical volume named "root" will be created in the volume group "vg0", which will be mounted at the root directory ("/") and formatted with the ext4 file system.

Install Linux packages

  1. Update packages

    apt update && apt upgrade 
  2. Install build-essential

    apt install build-essential 
  3. Install git

    apt install git
  4. Install unzip

    apt install unzip
  5. Install ufw firewall

    apt install ufw 

User management

  1. Add a new user account named dev to a Linux system

    adduser dev 
  2. Adds the dev user to the sudo group, giving them the ability to execute commands with administrative privileges. Note that after running this command, the user will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. This type of user account is typically used for system services or applications that need to run with a specific set of permissions, but do not require direct access to the system.

    usermod -aG sudo dev
    1. usermod - This is the command to modify user account properties.

    2. -aG sudo - The -a option appends the specified group to the user's list of groups, while the -G option specifies the groups to which the user should be added. In this case, the sudo group is added to the user's list of groups.

    3. dev - This is the username of the user account that will be modified.

  3. Add a new user account named nethermind to a Linux system

    sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false nethermind
    1. sudo - This command is used to run the useradd command with elevated privileges. This is necessary because creating a new user account requires administrative privileges.

    2. useradd - This is the command to create a new user account.

    3. --no-create-home - This option specifies that a home directory should not be created for the new user account.

    4. --shell /bin/false - This option sets the login shell for the new user account to /bin/false, which means that the user will not be able to log in to the system.

    5. nethermind - This is the username of the new user account that will be created.


  1. Switch to dev user

    su dev
  2. Change the current working directory to the user's home directory.

    cd ~
  3. Create a directory called .ssh

    mkdir .ssh
  4. Create a file to store your public ssh keys

    touch .ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Change the file permissions of the .ssh directory to rwx------, which means that only the owner of the directory can read, write, and execute files within it. This is useful for ensuring that sensitive files within the directory, such as private SSH keys, are only accessible to the owner of the directory.

    chmod 700 .ssh 
    1. chmod - This is the command to change the file permissions of a file or directory.

    2. 700 - This is the numerical representation of the file permissions. In this case, 7 sets the owner's permissions to rwx (read, write, execute), while 0 sets the permissions for the group and others to --- (no permissions).

    3. .ssh - This is the name of the directory whose file permissions are being changed.

  6. Change the file permissions of the authorized_keys file within the .ssh directory to rw-------, which means that only the owner of the file can read and write to it. This is an important security measure, as the authorized_keys file is used to authenticate SSH connections, and granting unauthorized access to it could allow an attacker to gain access to the system.

    chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
    1. chmod - This is the command to change the file permissions of a file or directory.

    2. 600 - This is the numerical representation of the file permissions. In this case, 6 sets the owner's permissions to rw (read, write), while 0 sets the permissions for the group and others to --- (no permissions).

    3. .ssh/authorized_keys - This is the name and path of the file whose file permissions are being changed.

  7. Change the current working directory to the .ssh directory within the user's home directory

    cd .ssh
  8. Open the authorized_keys file in the Nano text editor for editing and paste in your public ssh keys. Once the user has finished editing the file, they can save their changes and exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y to confirm the changes and Enter to save the file with the same name.

  9. Check that you can login to your server as dev user with ssh public key authentication. Replace server_ip_address with the actual IP address of the server.

    ssh dev@server_ip_address
  10. Disable root and password-based logins to your server

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    1. Set PermitRootLogin no: This is a security best practice because the root user has unrestricted access to the entire system, so allowing remote login as root poses a significant security risk. Instead, it's recommended to log in as a non-root user with sudo privileges, and use the sudo command to perform administrative tasks.

    2. Set PasswordAuthentication no: This is a security best practice because it reduces the risk of brute force attacks against SSH login credentials. Public key authentication requires the use of a private key on the client machine and a corresponding public key on the server. This method of authentication is much more secure than using passwords, which can be guessed or cracked through brute force attacks.

    3. Set UsePAM no: The server will not use the PAM framework for authentication, and will instead rely on its own built-in authentication mechanisms. PAM is a modular system that allows for different authentication methods to be used, such as LDAP or Kerberos. However, disabling PAM can provide a more secure environment since it reduces the attack surface of the system.


  1. Allow incoming SSH traffic on port 22 through the system's firewall. This is necessary in order to establish SSH connections to the system from remote clients, such as other computers or mobile devices.

    sudo ufw allow 22
    1. sudo - This command is used to run the ufw command with elevated privileges. This is necessary because modifying firewall rules requires administrative privileges.

    2. ufw - This is the command to manage the system's firewall rules using the ufw utility.

    3. allow - This option is used to add a new rule to allow incoming traffic through the firewall.

    4. 22 - This specifies the port number for the incoming traffic that should be allowed. In this case, port 22 is used, which is the default port for SSH traffic.

  2. Allow incoming traffic on port 40403 through the system's firewall. This is useful when running a service or application that requires incoming traffic on that particular port, such as a web server or a database server.

    sudo ufw allow 40403
  3. Enable the ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall) utility on your system, with administrative privileges. All incoming and outgoing traffic is blocked by default, except for ports with an allow rule. This is a good security measure, as it prevents unauthorized access to the system.

    sudo ufw enable

Configure the blockchain client


In this section, we will learn how to run Nethermind, a client implementation of the Ethereum blockchain. We will:

  • Download the latest version of Nethermind from the official website

  • Configure the client by editing the nethermind.cfg file to set the appropriate network ID and parameters for syncing the blockchain

  • Run the Nethermind client using the appropriate command for your operating system (e.g., nethermind.Run for Windows or ./nethermind for Linux/Mac)

  • Monitor the client's progress using the logs and various tools available in the Nethermind interface

  • Once fully synced, you can interact with the Ethereum network using the Nethermind client and start using various Ethereum-based applications and services.

  1. Installing Nethermind

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nethermindeth/nethermind

    • Adds the Nethermind PPA to the system's software sources.

    • Allows you to install and receive updates for Nethermind using the apt package manager.

    sudo apt install nethermind

    • Installs the Nethermind package from the system's package repositories.

    • Downloads and installs the necessary files and dependencies for Nethermind to run.

    • Enables you to run Nethermind using the nethermind command in the terminal.

    docker pull nethermind/nethermind

    • docker pull is a command used to download a Docker image from a container registry.

    • nethermind/nethermind is the name of the image being downloaded from Docker Hub.

    • This command downloads the latest version of the Nethermind image from Docker Hub.

    • Once the image is downloaded, it can be used to run Nethermind in a Docker container.

  2. Configure JSON-RPC API

    JWT Secrets - JSON Web Token authentication was added to the JSON-RPC API for security reasons to ensure that nothing interferes with the communication between the Execution Client (Nethermind in this case) and the Consensus Client. This requires you to create a file containing a hexadecimal “secret” that will be passed to each.

    To create this “Secret File” use the following command: openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > "/tmp/jwtsecret" where "/tmp/jwtsecret" will be the file path and name when created.

    Engine module needs to be explicitly switched on in the Netherming config file:

    "JsonRpc": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Timeout": 20000,
        "Host": "",
        "Port": 8545,
        "EnabledModules": ["Eth", "Subscribe", "Trace", "TxPool", "Web3", "Personal", "Proof", "Net", "Parity", "Health"],
        "EnginePort": 8551,
        "EngineHost": "",
        "JwtSecretFile": "keystore/jwt-secret"
  3. Run Nethermind

    Ensure you have:

    • Installed Nethermind

    • Created a JWT secret file

    • Engine module is enabled with authenticated port

    Running Nethermind from docker:

    docker run -it -v /home/user/data:/nethermind/data nethermind/nethermind --config ropsten --JsonRpc.Enabled true --JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=PATH --datadir data --JsonRpc.EngineHost= --JsonRpc.EnginePort=8551

    • --config flag **** is the network.

    • v /home/user/data:/nethermind/data sets local directory we will be storing our data to

    • --JsonRpc.JwtSecretFile=PATH where PATH is the location of your JWT secret ex. /tmp/jwtsecret

    • --datadir data maps the database, keystore, and logs all at once

  4. Run Consensus Clients

    Once Nethermind has started you can start the CL client. See the next section for commands to install and run the CL client you installed.

To learn more about running nethermind, refer to the official docs here

Claim your Unit 1 POAP

Create a new issue in the Indexing 101 tutorial repository using the Unit 1 POAP Form template

  1. Update the issue with a screenshot of your journalctl logs and Ethereum address

  2. Click Submit new issue

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