
Authors: [Vince | Nodeify]

Last updated at date: 10.04.2024 - updated opgeth and opnode images

System Requirements

Note: The Base archive node consumes 5.1 TB of space on June 13.2024

Base 🔵

Official Docs https://docs.base.org/guides/run-a-base-node/


Update, upgrade, and clean the system, and then firewall management (ufw), Docker, and the Git version control system.

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt auto-remove -y
sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose git ufw -y

Set explicit default UFW rules

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing


sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443

Setting up a domain name to access RPC

Get the IP address of the host machine, you can use the following command in a terminal or command prompt

curl ifconfig.me

Set an A record for a domain, you need to access the domain's DNS settings and create an A record that points to the IP address of the host machine. This configuration allows users to reach your domain by resolving the domain name to the specific IP address associated with your host machine. Example video of How to Point a Domain Name to an IP Address

Create base directory

The first command, mkdir base, will create a new directory named base in the current location. The second command, cd base, will change your current working directory to the newly created base directory. Now you are inside the base directory and can start storing docker-compose and related files in it.

mkdir base
cd base

Create .env file

sudo nano .env

Paste the following into the file.

EMAIL={YOUR_EMAIL} #Your email to receive SSL renewal emails
DOMAIN={YOUR_DOMAIN} ##Domain should be something like rpc.mywebsite.com, e.g. linea.infradao.org
WHITELIST={YOUR_REMOTE_MACHINE_IP} #the server's IP itself and IP's allowed to connect to RPC (eg. Indexer)
LAYER_1_RPC={YOUR_L1_RPC} #Your preferred L1 (Ethereum, not Base) node RPC URL
L1_BEACON={YOUR_L1_BEACON} #Your preferred L1 CL (Consensus Layer) Beacon endpoint, e.g. Lighthouse

ctrl + x and y to save file

Ensure you have an Ethereum L1 full node RPC available. It needs to be synced before Base will be able to fully sync

Make configuration directory

mkdir config
cd config

Download genesis.json and rollup.json

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/base-org/node/v0.8.4/mainnet/genesis-l2.json
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/base-org/node/v0.8.4/mainnet/rollup.json

Create base_geth_data docker volume

docker volume create base_geth_data

Initialize Geth

It's required to initialize Geth if you plan to sync from scratch.

If you are going to sync using the snapshot, you shouldn't need to initialize Geth. The docker-compose would do the trick

This command runs a Docker container using the op-geth image. It mounts two volumes: base_geth_data to /data inside the container and /root/base/config to /config. The container then initializes the Ethereum client with a genesis file located at /config/genesis-l2.json using the --datadir option to specify the data directory as /data

docker run -v base_geth_data:/data -v /root/base/config:/config us-docker.pkg.dev/oplabs-tools-artifacts/images/op-geth:0402d543c3d0cff3a3d344c0f4f83809edb44f10 --datadir=/data init /config/genesis-l2.json

You should receive a quick output that your genesis file has been initialized.

INFO [08-14|19:31:15.573] Successfully wrote genesis state

Create jwt.hex

openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > "./jwt.hex"

Create docker-compose.yml

cd ~/base
sudo nano docker-compose.yml

Assuming that this guide is current, you’ll be able to paste the following into the docker-compose.yml and then ctrl + x and y to save file. The more likely scenario is that this .yml template is a bit outdated and you will need to update the version under the opnode > image as well as the geth > image sections. You can find the latest releases of the op-node and geth nodes here: https://docs.optimism.io/builders/node-operators/releases.

Paste the following into the docker-compose.yml

version: '3.8'

    driver: bridge

    geth_data: {}
    traefik_letsencrypt: {}


#####################         TRAEFIK PROXY CONTAINER          #######################

    image: traefik:latest
    container_name: traefik
    restart: always
      - "443:443"
      - monitor-net
      - "--api=true"
      - "--api.insecure=true"
      - "--api.dashboard=true"
      - "--log.level=DEBUG"
      - "--providers.docker=true"
      - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
      - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.tlschallenge=true"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.email=$EMAIL"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json"
      - "traefik_letsencrypt:/letsencrypt"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.ipwhitelist.ipwhitelist.sourcerange=$WHITELIST"

#####################            OP-NODE CONTAINER             #######################

    image: us-docker.pkg.dev/oplabs-tools-artifacts/images/op-node:v1.7.0
    container_name: opnode
     - monitor-net
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8545" # RPC
      - "7300" # METRICS
      - "9222:9222"     # P2P TCP
      - "9222:9222/udp" # P2P UDP
      - ./config/rollup.json:/mainnet/rollup.json
      - ./config/genesis-l2.json:/mainnet/genesis-l2.json
      - ./config/jwt.hex:/root/jwt/jwt.hex:ro
      - OP_GETH_GENESIS_FILE_PATH=/mainnet/genesis-l2.json
      - OP_GETH_SEQUENCER_HTTP=https://mainnet-sequencer.base.org
      - OP_NODE_L2_ENGINE_AUTH=/root/jwt/jwt.hex
      - OP_NODE_L2_ENGINE_RPC=http://geth:8551
      - OP_NODE_LOG_LEVEL=info
      - OP_NODE_P2P_AGENT=base
      - OP_NODE_P2P_BOOTNODES=enr:-J24QNz9lbrKbN4iSmmjtnr7SjUMk4zB7f1krHZcTZx-JRKZd0kA2gjufUROD6T3sOWDVDnFJRvqBBo62zuF-hYCohOGAYiOoEyEgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPniryHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKNVFlCxh_B-716tTs-h1vMzZkSs1FTu_OYTNjgufplG4N0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QH-f1wt99sfpHy4c0QJM-NfmsIfmlLAMMcgZCUEgKG_BBYFc6FwYgaMJMQN5dsRBJApIok0jFn-9CS842lGpLmqGAYiOoDRAgmlkgnY0gmlwhLhIgb2Hb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJ9FTIv8B9myn1MWaC_2lJ-sMoeCDkusCsk4BYHjjCq04N0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QDXyyxvQYsd0yfsN0cRr1lZ1N11zGTplMNlW4xNEc7LkPXh0NAJ9iSOVdRO95GPYAIc6xmyoCCG6_0JxdL3a0zaGAYiOoAjFgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPckbGHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJwoS7tzwxqXSyFL7g0JM-KWVbgvjfB8JA__T7yY_cYboN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QHmGyBwUZXIcsGYMaUqGGSl4CFdx9Tozu-vQCn5bHIQbR7On7dZbU61vYvfrJr30t0iahSqhc64J46MnUO2JvQaGAYiOoCKKgmlkgnY0gmlwhAPnCzSHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQINc4fSijfbNIiGhcgvwjsjxVFJHUstK9L1T8OTKUjgloN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG,enr:-J24QG3ypT4xSu0gjb5PABCmVxZqBjVw9ca7pvsI8jl4KATYAnxBmfkaIuEqy9sKvDHKuNCsy57WwK9wTt2aQgcaDDyGAYiOoGAXgmlkgnY0gmlwhDbGmZaHb3BzdGFja4OFQgCJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQIeAK_--tcLEiu7HvoUlbV52MspE0uCocsx1f_rYvRenIN0Y3CCJAaDdWRwgiQG
      - OP_NODE_ROLLUP_CONFIG=/mainnet/rollup.json
      - OP_NODE_RPC_PORT=8545
      - OP_NODE_SNAPSHOT_LOG=/tmp/op-node-snapshot-log
      - OP_NODE_L1_TRUST_RPC=true

#####################            GETH CONTAINER             #######################

    image: us-docker.pkg.dev/oplabs-tools-artifacts/images/op-geth:v1.101308.2
    container_name: geth
    restart: unless-stopped
      - monitor-net
      - "8545"       # RPC
      - "8546"       # websocket
      - "7300"       # metrics
      - "30303:30303" # Peers
      - "30303:30303/udp" # Peers
      - ./config/jwt.hex:/root/jwt/jwt.hex:ro
      - geth_data:/data
      - --datadir=/data
      - --verbosity=3
      - --http
      - --http.corsdomain=*
      - --http.vhosts=*
      - --http.addr=
      - --http.port=8545
      - --http.api=web3,debug,eth,txpool,net,engine
      - --authrpc.addr=
      - --authrpc.port=8551
      - --authrpc.vhosts=*
      - --authrpc.jwtsecret=/root/jwt/jwt.hex
      - --ws
      - --ws.addr=
      - --ws.port=8546
      - --ws.origins=*
      - --ws.api=debug,eth,txpool,net,engine
      - --metrics
      - --metrics.addr=
      - --metrics.port=7300
      - --syncmode=full
      - --gcmode=archive
      - --nodiscover
      - --maxpeers=100
      - --networkid=8453
      - --nat=extip:
      - --rollup.sequencerhttp=https://mainnet-sequencer.base.org
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.base.service=base" #https
      - "traefik.http.services.base.loadbalancer.server.port=8545"
      - "traefik.http.routers.base.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.base.tls.certresolver=myresolver"
      - "traefik.http.routers.base.rule=Host(`$DOMAIN`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.base.middlewares=ipwhitelist"

ctrl + x and y to save file

This is an optional step based on whether you want to sync the node from scratch or sync the node from a snapshot. Based on InfraDAO’s experience, we recommend downloading a snapshot and syncing the node from that snapshot. Syncing the node from the scratch took around two weeks while the snapshot took requires 9-10 hours to download, 4-6 hours to unzip, and roughly 24 hours to sync from that point.

To sync from a snapshot, visit the Base Docs to validate the recommended approach for restoring from snapshot: https://docs.base.org/tutorials/run-a-base-node/#snapshots. Next, in the home directory of your (i.e. the base folder), create a folder named geth-data. If you already have this folder, remove it to clear the existing state and then recreate it. Next, run the following code and wait for the operation to complete.

As downloading a snapshot takes about 9 hrs it is better to run it in a screen session

screen -S archive

Use aria2c to download the most recent Mainnet Archive Snapshot

cd ~/base

aria2c --file-allocation=none -c -x 10 -s 10 "https://base-snapshots-mainnet-archive.s3.amazonaws.com/$(curl https://base-snapshots-mainnet-archive.s3.amazonaws.com/latest)"

press ctrl+A and D to return to previous screen and continue installation

screen -r archive #will bring you back to monitor downloading progress

You'll then need to untar the downloaded snapshot and place the geth subfolder inside of it in the geth-data folder you created (unless you changed the location of your data directory)

tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz
# tar -xvzf base-mainnet-archive-1712388985.tar.gz

Next, you’ll need to move the snapshot to the where the geth data was stored in the docker container. If you initially tried to sync the node from scratch and are now trying with a snapshot:

cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/base_geth_data/_data 

rm -rf geth

cd ~/base/snapshots/mainnet/download/

mv ~/base/snapshots/mainnet/download/geth /var/lib/docker/volumes/base_geth_data/_data/

cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/base_geth_data/_data/


Run Base Node

cd ~/base

docker-compose up -d

Monitor Logs

Use docker logs to monitor your geth and op-node. The -f flag ensures you are following the log output

docker logs geth -f --tail 100

docker logs opnode -f --tail 100

Once your Base node starts syncing, the logs should look like this:

for op-geth:

INFO [05-14|00:11:15.654] Imported new potential chain segment     number=14,428,064 hash=581e26..7e597a blocks=1 txs=43 mgas=5.638  elapsed=82.078ms    mgasps=68.687  snapdiffs=161.36KiB triedirty=0.00B
INFO [05-14|00:11:15.656] Chain head was updated                   number=14,428,064 hash=581e26..7e597a root=01059a..8a2f59 elapsed=1.210252ms
INFO [05-14|00:11:17.759] Aborting state snapshot generation       root=2c98d7..a0d61d in=0c4e7d..ec261d at=5aebd1..a6a6dc accounts=3,270,959 slots=6,006,594 storage=650.88MiB dangling=0 elapsed=7m17.533s   eta=2h24m23.981s
INFO [05-14|00:11:17.759] Resuming state snapshot generation       root=e19a42..4325ec in=0c4e7d..ec261d at=5aebd1..a6a6dc accounts=3,270,959 slots=6,006,594 storage=650.88MiB dangling=0 elapsed=7m17.534s   eta=2h24m24.001s
INFO [05-14|00:11:17.790] Imported new potential chain segment     number=14,428,065 hash=ad1eb4..fa4c07 blocks=1 txs=47 mgas=7.296  elapsed=135.218ms   mgasps=53.955  snapdiffs=166.58KiB triedirty=0.00B

for op-node:

t=2024-05-13T22:02:48+0000 lvl=info msg="Received signed execution payload from p2p" id=0x303089f3d89660725bfccad20d306eab71eb97dc59cf87baee419d103bae13ae:14424210 peer=16Uiu2HAmEjC9jKoKzZhM4zLHrfDGth9DTL287asWALv5JY8f5UeN
t=2024-05-13T22:02:48+0000 lvl=info msg="Optimistically queueing unsafe L2 execution payload" id=0x303089f3d89660725bfccad20d306eab71eb97dc59cf87baee419d103bae13ae:14424210
t=2024-05-13T22:02:48+0000 lvl=info msg="Sync progress" reason="unsafe payload from sequencer" l2_finalized=0x52677a4adc91111968ee08ef4e56e2fdeb89ff71ba233c7331a227175e56365f:14407839 l2_safe=0xfb6626d86728c555db2e0722e38341f79a6646ed1955a488a9ef9df5862c2064:14407925 l2_pending_safe=0xfb6626d86728c555db2e0722e38341f79a6646ed1955a488a9ef9df5862c2064:14407925 l2_unsafe=0x303089f3d89660725bfccad20d306eab71eb97dc59cf87baee419d103bae13ae:14424210 l2_time=1715637767 l1_derived=0x6380d5a1c889e951981d6c34cfb347671650b3a5f64ab2fbd4d4a2f1d7f77fe5:19861259
t=2024-05-13T22:02:48+0000 lvl=info msg="Advancing bq origin" origin=0x153e0928fe8b7dbbe93f227af8c1364e8c181bf5fb9a5412ccb92027299ee648:19861260 originBehind=false
t=2024-05-13T22:02:50+0000 lvl=info msg="Reading channel" channel=004ac887def59644f5fc6c46a1c244ae frames=6
t=2024-05-13T22:02:50+0000 lvl=info msg="Found next batch" batch_type=SpanBatch batch_timestamp=1715605199 parent_check=0xfb6626d86728c555db2e0722e38341f79a6646ed origin_check=0x1f1df86ea9abd1140e95d5bdd2b7211a4cda56ef start_epoch_number=19861236 end_epoch_number=19861252 block_count=88
t=2024-05-13T22:02:50+0000 lvl=info msg="generated attributes in payload queue" txs=37 timestamp=1715605199
curl --data '{"method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}

The result will return false if a node is fully synced

Alternatively you can run

curl -d '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["latest",false]}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}

and it will return more details about syncing progress

Sync speed will be highly dependent on your Layer 1 RPC

Last updated