Update, upgrade, and clean the system, and then install essential development tools (build-essential), firewall management (ufw), and the Git version control system.
Not advised to allow all or unknown IP address to RPC port
Enable Firewall
Install go
Download the Go programming language distribution archive, extracts it to the "/usr/local" directory, and then removes the downloaded archive, effectively installing Go version 1.20.6 on the system.
Clone the Erigon repository from GitHub, including its submodules, changes the current directory to the Erigon directory, checks out the latest release tag, and then compile the project using the "make" build system.
Copy Nitro binary from docker to /root/nitro/build/bin
dockercp $(dockerrun-it-dnitro):/usr/local/bin/nitro/root/nitro/build/bin//root/nitro/build/bin/nitro-h# test
Download Nitro Snapshot
mkdir-p/root/.local/share/nitro/datadircd/root/.local/share/nitro/datadir#Faster but requires double the storagearia2c--file-allocation=none-c-x10-s10https://snapshot.arbitrum.foundation/arb1/nitro-archive.tardtrx-fnitro-archive.tar#Saves space but much slowerwget-O-https://snapshot.arbitrum.foundation/arb1/nitro-archive.tar|tar-x-C/root/.local/share/nitro/datadir
Create service to run Nitro Node
Change flag to your Ethereum RPC --l1.url=
Reload the systemd manager configuration, start the Nitro service, and enable it to start automatically on system boot, ensuring that the Nitro Service is active and will be automatically started upon system startup.
Use journalctl to display real-time log messages and continuously follow the log output of the Nitro service, allowing you to monitor its activity and troubleshoot any issues as they occur.